Our Natural Ingredients

cannabidiol (cbd)

Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of over 127 natural extracts derived from a Marihuana plant, except CBD itself is renowned for its healthy perks, it won't get you “high” but it will relax, restore and relieve, from anti-inflammatory to antioxidants, cbd relieves, renews and revives.

mct oil (coconut extract)

The Shea tree produces the Shea nut, who would’ve guessed? These natural acids are better than the saturated fats we all crave every now and then, and come with less calories, helping curve your appetite and improve weight loss, by increasing your ketone production.

castor oil

Castor oil is a vegetable oil derived from castor beans. Due to its anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antibacterial qualities we had to incorporate it where we believed it worked best, from getting rid of the dirt and grease on your skin to leaving you feeling silky smooth.


Smell good, feel even better. Reëel’s organic Lavender concentrate sourced from the island of Hvar is there to complement and augment your relief-like experience. The aroma and oils are said to help with insomnia and relieve anxiety, promoting a better night’s sleep.

shea butter (manteca de karité)

It’s origin stems from Africa but we use it because its fatty acids and vitamins make for the perfect collagen production and UV protection. Rich in Vitamins, A, E & F, its versatile use helps make skin healthy, stave off wrinkles and moisturizes/heals dry or rough skin.

argan oil

So, if Castor oil gets rid of the grease/oils and MCT moisturizes, Árgan oil falls directly in between the two. Packed with Vitamin E and linoleic acids (Omega-6), it acts as a moisturizer and is light enough to leave a glow rather than that oily feeling we all find uncomfortable.

kaolín clay

A completely natural clay, used primarily in our face mask. We use a white Kaolin Clay that extracts the impurities found in our pores, without the redness or irritations that normally come with exfoliating and/or facial cleaning, making it particularly useful for oily skins.

sweet almond oil

Sweet and Bitter, the two types of Almond oil. Sweet is much more suited to your skin and is therefore more common in the world of cosmetics. The sweet oil is rich in Vitamin A (stimulates skin-cell production) , E (anti-oxidants), Zinc and Omega-3 fatty acids.

algae extract

The extract is made up of marine minerals, amino acids, sea proteins and polysaccharides that facilitate hydration and protect your skin, but what it does is so much more; as it conditions, hydrates, softens and detoxifies the skin, replenishing essential vitamins and minerals.

hot ginger root

Collagenase enzyme inhibition. Hard to say, yes. Hard to use, no. The ginger extract stops collagen degradation by maintaining the skin's protein levels. It works as an anti-inflammatory, perfect for soothing dry and itchy, inflamed or irritated areas.


Antioxidants everywhere. Caléndula, or Pot Marigold is a natural orange/yellow oil due to its abundance in carotene and carotenoids. Both these phytochemicals are couriers for the natural production of Vitamin A and its antioxidants.

hyaluronic acid

A natural sugar found in our skin that acts as an humectant; something that retains and preserves moisture. Just like that of collagen and elastin, our natural levels of hyaluronic acid drop as we get older, depriving the skin and joints of much needed minerals and moisture.

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